
Lost Compassion

These past few weeks has shown me a trend that I find to be quite troubling and very disheartening. It’s the idea that we would take others pain as entertainment. I’ll concede that those who are being ridiculed are in the spotlight however they are still human, made of flesh and blood, and most importantly, God’s children.

Call it a pet peeve but I never understood how “we” could find ourselves to be so comfortable to laugh at the misery of others. What would it look like if the mirrors were turned and we were forced to share our stories, fears and shortcomings with the world? Would we want so much input on our marriages, our mental health, or our state of depression?

We are still in the midst of 2 pandemics. Between the virus and racial uprisings, we are emotionally and psychologically drained and trying to understand what comes next. If you are in the line of fire, you are super raw right now. Another shut-in seems almost inevitable and they want our kids to go back to school in this mess. But I digress… back to the subject at hand.

Of course, like with everything, there is a debate here when you are dealing with public figures. By definition, their lives are on display for all to see. My issue, is what is going on inside of us that we laugh at their pain as if they are going through things completely not relatable? Have we lost all compassion to understand that they may be crying, thinking suicidal thoughts or falling into deep depressions? The feelings of isolation and separation are sometimes more magnified because of the “celebrity” and the inability to trust those around you so your support group is smaller than the average person.

Money doesn’t equate happiness. It solves tangible day to day problems but not matters of the heart. We have got it all twisted. In our quest for the almighty dollar, the level of envy for those of them who have it, we place an unnecessary burden of unconscious bias, willing to knock them down a peg or two so that they become more “like us” when we hear stories of how messed up they are. Newsflash, they will always be like us when real life happens.

Success is not measured with how much money you have. Think of all the public figures who have left this world due to drug overdoses, suicides, murders, tragic accidents and so on. Some of them you may have liked and some may have lived with public hecklings day after day. My point is don’t get caught up in the mob mentality of kicking people when they are down just because it is the fun thing to do that day.

Prayer works and we all need it. Have compassion for your neighbors, those known and unknown. You never know when you may need it. It will be no laughing matter if tragedy rings your doorbell and someone tells someone else and they make jokes about it. You would be mad, naturally.

“You know my name, not my story. You’ve heard what I’ve done, not what I’ve been through”. – Author Unknown

Have a Safe a Blessed Weekend!


Count the Wins

We’ve gotten through another week! More rising Covid numbers, more iconic losses, more unemployment numbers, more displays of corruption in our administration and we are heading for a 4-day heat wave. Some of you are ready, and have been ready to throw 2020 away. All you see is what is going wrong and are missing out on what has been going right.

For me, the anxiety is real. I can’t hide that. The loss of loved ones and friends to the virus, that is as real as well. The need to want to travel and get out of the house more often, oh yeah, I suffer from the occasional cabin fever but I love my home and the alternative which is to live. Work has been busier than it has ever been and I just feel tired ALL THE TIME!!!

One thing I can say however since the pandemic has started is how amazing life has been as well! Because of my anxiety I started this blog which has now turned into a full-fledged business which I pray will continue to grow.  I went back to school and in the process of that advancement, I am finding healing for myself in my coursework.  The busy at work has led me to become more focused on what is wrong with our company as a whole so I’ve lent my intellectual capital to the Diversity & Inclusion Team which I’ve been a part of for a while now and changes are being implemented. My work itself is also being recognized.

Most importantly however I realized how much I’ve grown up. I liken this time to the markings on the wall as you chart just how tall your children are getting.  I’ve entered a new phase of life, a different growth spurt if you will. This time has shown me how much in the forced quiet when I was able to really hear what God was saying to me just how far I have come in the last year very specifically. The changes on the surface look very subtle, but spiritually and emotionally it feels like I’ve leapt across a giant ocean.

I’ve always looked on the brighter side. As long as I have breath, I am grateful for life. My past isn’t pretty and what didn’t kill me really did make me stronger. I didn’t turn to drugs or alcohol to numb my pain or use my body thinking that was the way it was supposed to be. I always trusted there was a better way.

Depression is real and I will speak about that one day soon. Today, I want to encourage you and say don’t let all of the negativity that is happening around you and perhaps in your life cloud the good things that are also happening. If you are reading this, then you woke up and that right there is a great place to get started on counting your wins! Someone else didn’t make it.

Be Blessed and Enjoy Your Weekend!


Finding Time to Enjoy Yourself

My very first decision I made this year was made on January 1 as I was going home from midnight service. I had spent the evening at my sister’s house and she was taking me home and she told me to stop procrastinating and go ahead and look at new furniture which I had been talking about for a few weeks. We stopped, I looked and within an hour, I made a decision that I was greatly satisfied with and we continued on.

Over the next couple of weeks, I continued to change other areas of my home to compliment my new furnishings including adding a hobby wall and things that I had put off for years. By March, the pandemic hit and it appeared as if I would be spending a whole lot of time in my home whether I liked it or not. Well, I always liked it, now I LOVE it! Of course I never anticipated having to spend so much time here but I am grateful for the upgraded surroundings.

This is the summer. I want to be surrounded by sun in the fun and tropical drinks. More importantly, I want to live. The pandemic is still real. Cases are rising and they still don’t know for sure how the disease is spreading. No matter how long it takes, I will wait this thing out. I’m going to socially distance with the ones I love, mask up where ever I go and enjoy myself at home.

Your life is important to me so I want to share some ways you can make this an easier time for yourself and not go stir crazy because it is working for me. I hope it works for you too. They are in no particular order of importance:

  1. Maintain a constant mindset of gratitude – when you are appreciative of what you have and you continually focus on the good, it will boost your energy and your attitude and it becomes a habit.
  2. Write – clearly this works for me. I journal every day to get my thoughts together.
  3. Pay it forward– do a random kind act for someone. It doesn’t have to be monetary always but it will make you feel good.
  4. Plan a staycation – if you are fortunate to be working, don’t burn out! Take time off from work and relax!
  5. Force yourself away from your screens – turn off the computer, IPad, phone, t.v. etc. and sit in your stillness. It is amazing.
  6. Focus on your own life and not get caught up in others on social media – code words (mind your own business) 🙂
  7. Treat yourself to silk sheets – it’s hot, their cool. You will sleep well.
  8. Exercise – take a walk around the block, join a YouTube group or Facebook live or partner with a friend.

Don’t let your eagerness to mix and mingle cause you great distress in your health. Love yourself enough to be patient and trust the science of the world and see what is going on around you. Covid-19 is not to be taken lightly however you can still enjoy your summer because you are still YOU!

Enjoy your weekend!


Trigger Moments

This is the end of another week and I must say, I was triggered by emotions that snuck up on me like a thief in the night. They came so fast and so suddenly that I didn’t have time to brace myself although all the signs were there and I turned a blind, strong eye because of my need to be resilient for those around me. This was a tsunami. Events of the week have been leading up to this moment and when the damn broke, nothing could stop it. IT is grief.
2 young women at my job, both African American lost their mothers this week. Another, also African American had to rush hers to the hospital because of a heart attack. I mention color only in context of the moment we are in, where our Black families are so important to the cause and any loss at this time will be felt in a ripple effect unlike before.
Breonna Taylor’s name stopped trending. I watched a video from 2016 where a young man and his girlfriend were killed by the policy and it broke my heart. Even sadder, the video touched everyone who saw it and the commentators discussed the young man and the rouge officer in detail… no mention of the young lady who also lay there lifeless.
Meanwhile, the cases of Covid-19 are increasing at a 90% rate and we have yet collectively to take it seriously. In 4 months I lost 5 people I know to this disease. Several others have gotten it and survived and 2 came close to death. This is NOT A GAME.
I went to bed happy last night because I spent some quality time with my family socially distant and enjoying a summer night. Our time together is very precious to me. After my evening routine, I settled in to what I had hoped would be a great night of sleep. I was wrong.
I dreamt of my mother, and my brother-in-law. We were laughing and joking at a family get together which got interrupted by my grandfather telling us to get inside as a terrible storm was coming. They are ALL deceased. I only dream of my grandfather when major changes are happening. Scary? Never. Always peaceful but it grieved my heart this time that they are no longer here. People I loved have died and there is no closure on how to say goodbye. Black women are losing the battle and in an indirect way it feels like we are still not being protected.
Who is caring for us? This is not a spiritual debate. I am grateful because I have someone who would lay his life down for me but yet I awoke feeling vulnerable, sad, broken-hearted and beat down. We need to continue to support each other, both men and women. Take a minute to mourn those who have passed on. Enjoy life responsibly now and most of all, know that you have me, here, to talk it out with!
“A successful woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her”.