
How Selfish Are You?

We are all selfish. It is in our nature. We want things to happen for us, to us and to be our way every time. There are times we commit selfless acts however overall, when it boils down to what we really want and need, it is all about me, me, me.

I talk about this a lot with my husband. The selfish nature of the human. No matter what you do and how much you give of yourself, someone always wants more than you have. In the instance where you simply cannot come through, you become the bad guy. There are many ways to break down the word selfish. I want to go with concentrating on one’s own pleasure, advantage or well-being without regard for the others.

I suffer from an auto-immune disease. It’s not a secret and those that know and love me are quite familiar with the challenges that comes along with it. There are days I can be myself and do whatever and there are some when I can barely make it out of the bed.  This week, I had a flare-up. I made my challenges known because I had committed to do several things through-out the week.

Two individuals I made commitments to heard what was wrong and immediately gave me release from our engagements. One I accepted and the other I forged ahead on. A third individual wanted to keep me on the phone discussing their issue, even after I told them how talking made me feel, because it was important to them. Their situation was not life or death. I had said I would review something with them and I am woman of my word. Was I wrong to think they were being selfish and we could talk later?

You owe me money. Before you borrowed it, we spoke pretty regularly. Now I can’t seem to get you on the phone and when I do you seem distant and rushed and almost angry like I did something to you. Once you pay me back things go back to normal. I decide I will put distance between us because of how you acted the last time and I tell you. You get upset and say I am overreacting. Your defense is that you had a lot going on and don’t want to mess things up with me. Is it me or accessibility to my funds?

My husband and I toss back an interesting view when we “disagree”.   He says we’re both selfish looking for resolutions to our disagreements because if one doesn’t get it their way, the other is getting it for themselves. There is never really a true compromise. Someone always has to concede a little bit more than the other.

I never wanted to think of myself as a selfish individual. The fact of the matter is, I am. I can break down all of the selfish ways that I have but they are personal. 😊 What is important is I am working to balance my selfishness with a greater level of selflessness. When I can do more and be better, I let the light within me shine brighter. It is not always something I set out to do intentionally, I believe I have enough goodness in me that being selfless comes naturally.

We are living in a time when our leaders are as corrupt as they have ever been. Their only goal is to maintain power and privilege above the will of the people. Selfish. Corporations are going through reckonings and seeing employees reimagine themselves in better positions and roles that they have long been qualified for and deserve to hold. Senior members are trying to figure out ways to “make room” for them while maintaining their positions. Selfish. The healthcare industry is undergoing an overhaul where Black and Brown innovators are now being asked to come to the forefront to help quelch a pandemic when it has been those same innovators behind the scenes for years helping to make cures to save lives. Selfish.  Everywhere we turn there are selfish acts being committed. Globally and surely right in your own personal lives. It is a guarantee that you were involved in a selfish act within the past 24 hours.

The question is, how selfish are YOU? How is your selfishness impacting the world around you?

 Philippians 2:4 “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others”.

Until Next Time….

Commit a Selfless Act!

Be Safe and Keep Cool!

Love You ALL!

One reply on “How Selfish Are You?”

Great perspective with insight and introspection. Yes, we are all selfish in our own ways, but as you alluded, self-awareness will help us identify our weaknesses and areas of selfishness and focus on others and their needs with acts of selflessness. I’m encouraged by you and am praying for you.

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