
Are you complacent?

Last night in another totally random conversation with my other half, he jokingly told me it was too late in the evening to break out the dictionary. We were conversing about the affairs of the world and I get extremely passionate at times. In my heightened frustration, I began to use particular words to describe certain situations to match my displeasure. It was 2 a.m. and I became a walking thesaurus. It’s a running joke amongst my kids.

That led us to talking about something I used to do at the peak of the recent election cycle. A word of the day. I would choose a word relative to politics and post the definition so that those who were blind to what was going on could truly understand what was happening.

There is a word that has been popping up a lot this week in conversation.  Complacent. To be complacent means to be satisfied with conditions or too comfortable to complain or make a fuss. If I were complacent, I would not be here today in my career or my relationship.

I truly believe the best way to help people is to be fully vulnerable and transparent. We cannot move forward in this world in which we are content with the way things are thinking they will never touch us personally. Take the pandemic as an example. It affected everybody. Now we are in a phase where arguments are being made to be vaccinated or not to vaccinate. This is a global health crisis. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do. I want to pose a scenario on why things cannot go back to normal while this debate rages on.

As long as the virus is out there, it will continue to spread. That is a fact. You may be vaccinated and you may get a booster and life may serve you well.  Let’s say you are shopping for a luxury vehicle or need a particular windshield for your car to be replaced. Supply and demand. There is a shortage of supplies due to this crisis and where the manufacturer originates from. Healthcare workers are stretched thin. Basic medical needs like broken bones and emergent services are being turned away already in 2 states because there are not enough beds. If someone you love cannot be treated for a heart attack, how would you feel?  Nothing to worry about right, that will never happen here…. Complacent.

In my career, I saw a problem and it bothered me. I spoke up. I never imagined it would take me on the road that it did however it opened up many doors and allowed me to speak up even more when I saw things that I was not comfortable with. That led me to a place where I can have a bigger effect and be proud that I was not complacent. I spoke out. Even if some of the issues didn’t touch me personally, I needed to let those that were in power hear that I was watching for whatever that was worth. It paid off. Everyone has a voice that can be used for making a difference somewhere.

We see African Americans in positions just because they are African Americans. Pulled over by the police, followed by store clerks, harassed by neighbors, given low home appraisals, passed over for jobs and the list goes on. Are you in a place where you can support or intercede or do you walk by and say “that’s not my business’? Can you imagine if it was happening to you or a member of your family? Would you want that assistance then?

We have to decide it is ok to take a stand. Too many people have a mindset that they do not want to get involved or upset the applecart when sometimes it can begin in your own home. You should never settle when your peace of mind and happiness are at stake. That goes for your job, your marriage, your relationship with your family and your friends!

Take back control of who you are!

Have the most blessed weekend!

Love you all!