
Wishful Intentions

Have you ever intended to do something and you never quite got around to doing it? Or maybe when you did it didn’t have the same impact as to when you thought about it? Perhaps you missed the mark altogether. Life is full of wishful intentions however if we act too slow or not at all, the consequences can be great.

This week I have more questions for you than prior weeks. I really want to help somebody.  As we approach the end of the year, many people go into reflective mode and start to plan out next year’s agenda when we have time this year to get things off the ground. Why are you skipping ahead?

You know that nagging feeling you get to call someone and you put it off? Maybe you finally call them or maybe you don’t. Did that person get sick or worse die? How did that make you feel? Calls and/or text messages literally take minutes to generate.

What about the friendly dentist? That little pain in your tooth gets ignored for how long until it turns into an infection or an abscess. What started out as minor work now has ballooned into thousands of dollars and unnecessary pain.

You ask a friend for assistance on resources that could help launch your own business. Perhaps it is a mentor, a vendor or loan officer. You don’t call that person for months. When you finally do, you find out they no longer work for the company you were calling. Now you are feeling discouraged and you lay your dreams to the side.

We always find time to do things we want to do. That’s a fact. No matter how busy we are if every second of our calendar is filled up, and we are single and we meet the right one, all of a sudden, we have time. We have so much time it is super scary to think how busy we used to be.

Let me leave you with this. Many years ago, I resigned from a job because I had just gotten married and was living in New York. The job was in South Jersey and I didn’t have a car, I was using my husbands. I would stay at my mother’s house in New Jersey several days a week to avoid the George Washington Bridge traffic which was brutal and I suffered from migraines.

On my last day, I was at my mother’s house, rushing to get to the office. I didn’t really want to however I knew I had to. I ran out the house and rushed into the car. When I got in the car, I realized in my haste, I had forgotten to pray. HUH? I sat in the car before puling off and said my morning prayers. My mom, was in the window looking at me and called my cell phone to make sure I was ok. (I suffered from terrible migraines).  I hit the road and about 20 minutes into my commute was exiting one highway when the car hydroplaned on a bed of leaves causing it to spin multiple times and land over the edge of the parkway.

The vehicle was totaled. The entire front end was smashed up like an accordion and both of my legs should have been crushed. The airbag never deployed and I was later told if it had it would have been more dangerous given the impact of the crash. The driver’s door was smashed in, they used the jaws to get me out. I stepped out of the car without a scratch, or a headache. I KNOW it was because I pray everyday and almost forgot and rectified that before I drove off.

That morning, my wishful intention saved my life. I didn’t put off until tomorrow what I needed to do in the RIGHT NOW! Maybe that is a bit dramatic albeit true but I think you get the point. Opportunities are aplenty. Return those phones, answer those emails. Don’t let your dreams die because you think you are too busy. There is always room on the agenda to see about yourself, until there isn’t!

I love you all!

Have an amazing weekend!

Until next time!