
Summer Break

Happy Saturday Everyone!

I am officially on vacation and have already been up for two and a half hours working on my website which tells me I’m not doing this vacation thing right! I’ve made a decision to forego my usual weekend blog and advise that I will be taking the entire month of August off . It won’t be to just lounge around although I hope to catch some moments to myself to relax and regroup.

When I began this process it was to deal with my anxiety and to connect with others who were also going through similar paths of emotions. I wanted to remind us that is okay to not be okay all the time. Since then, I have been full steam ahead at home and at work and I haven’t taken a breath to grieve, exercise, read for enjoyment or give true self-care to maintain my own piece of mind.

In these next 30 days, I am going to finish up school which is great. A large part of that was to enhance my knowledge and be able to have educated conversations with contextual data about subjects that matter to many us right here in this forum. I will also have upgraded the website with new features for better engagement. So I won’t be completely idle I will still be working to keep our connectivity at its best level.

In the interim, you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter where I may share “mini” versions of encouragement because we indeed are still going through something and it will get worse before it gets better.

Until then, be safe, be encouraged and know that I love you and I will see you back here in September!