I took some time off to celebrate my birthday. I continued my journey of self-care and one element I added during this celebration period was unplugging from the news and most of social media so I could live in a blissful bubble of relaxation and enjoyment. I was vaguely aware of what was going on, it is hard to really tune the world out, but I did not plug in as I always do.
That changed yesterday. I finally sat down and took in all that has been happening in full detail and caught myself up. I am painfully aware that we have been in this pandemic for over a year and that there is still a border issue. I knew all of that. I am also aware that there have been two horrible shootings resulting in the loss of lives and yet gun control will be a topic that trends and fades aware. Nothing I caught up on, even the new voter restrictions in Georgia, surprised me. There was one thing however, that resonated with me and that was accountability.
No one wants to be held accountable for their actions. We live in a society where there is always an excuse made or finger pointed as to why a situation may have happened or occurred. I long for a day where open and honest dialogue can be exchanged, and we can take all pretenses out of our conversations so that we can hold each other accountable for our actions and operate in our true spirits.
If you don’t want me to live because I’m Black, say so. While that is not your decision to make, I would much rather appreciate you being direct and saying what’s on your mind. If you don’t want me to vote because I’m Black and when my people get together magic happens, say so. If you don’t want me in a CEO position in your company because you are afraid, I will succeed, say so. If you don’t want to give me the capital to start my own business because you know I will make it grow and ultimately be able to help my own people, say so.
Right now, I’m swimming in the deep end of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion world. I see the inequities firsthand and the marginalization of people of color. What is most disturbing however is not the inability to get it right and level out the playing field. It is the fact that there is no accountability for the lack of representation. It is everyone else’s fault.
We either didn’t have enough candidates, or we never thought about it or whatever lame explanation can be thought up. Now we are in the spotlight so we will show the world what we are doing in quicksand fashion. I heard a wonderful speaker say not too long ago that if you cannot find qualified diverse candidates to lead your companies, you are either bias or lazy. Accountability.
We must stop hiding behind pretexts. In our work life and in our personal lives. It’s time to man up. Gone are the days when it is ok to drag our feet and make justifications on why things aren’t done and will get done. Now is the time. Step up and let your word be your bond and hold yourself accountability.
If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you say you will show up, show up. We are only as good as our word and these days; the currency is worth less than it used to be.
Have an amazing day and be true to yourselves and to others!
I love you and until next time, be safe!